Join our Online sessions
ExamPlus is offering online sessions on evenings and weekends with talks by medical students, junior doctors and senior doctors in the UK. In these sessions we discuss topics ranging from navigating the medical school application process to choosing the right speciality for you.
SO you want to be a doctor
Date tbc
1.5 hours
Are you thinking of applying to medical school? Being a doctor can be an incredibly rewarding career and now more than ever the UK is in need of doctors to join the medical workforce.
Come and join our panel of medical students, junior doctors and senior doctors in a series of talks ranging from applying to medical school, tips on surviving medical school, the challenges which face the healthcare system in the UK and choosing the speciality which is right for you.
This is a 1 1/2 hour online session aimed at students considering a career in medicine. There will be a series of presentations by medical students and doctors currently studying and working in the UK with the opportunity for questions and answers at the end of each talk. A certificate of attendance will be provided after the session.
If interested in attending please register below. Registration fee is £10 unless directly covered by your school or institution.
Date tbc
1.5 hours
In this dedicated lecture on medical school applications we invite medical students from universities across the UK to discuss the medical school application process ​and how to improve your chances of a successful application.
This is a 1 1/2 hour online session aimed at students considering applying to medical school in the next 2 years.
If interested in attending please register below. Registration fee is £10 unless directly covered by your school or institution.
choosing the right speciality for you
In this online session we invite doctors in the UK to talk about their specialities. You will hear a series of talks from registrars across a range of specialities. The talks will focus on the pros and cons of each chosen speciality and how to optimise your CV to target your chosen field. There will be time for questions at the end of each talk.
This is a 1 1/2 hour online session targeted at medical students and foundation year doctors.
If interested in taking part please send us an email to to register. We will be in contact directly when the date has been confirmed.
Date tbc
1.5 hours
international medical graduates - applying to work in the UK.
This is an online session aimed specifically at International Medical Graduates (IMGs)​ who have completed their studies outside of the United Kingdom but would like to work as a doctor in the UK.
In this talk we hear from IMGs who have successfully obtained GMC registration and started working in the UK. We will also discuss recent changes in the registration process including the transition from the PLAB to the UK Medical Licensing Assessment (MLA). There will be the opportunity to ask questions at the end of each talk.
If interested in taking part please send us an email to to register.